S Man

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Eksklusivt intervju med selveste Tim Berg aka. Avicii

Da, mine damer og herrer, tok Avicii seg tid i all sin reising for å svare på noen spørsmål fra oss. I intervjuet forteller han blant annet hvordan han ser på fildeling og hva han syns om housekulturen i Skandinavia.

Avicii har hatt en kort, hektisk og fantastisk kariere og er av mange regnet som den mest fremadstormede dj’en den siste tiden!

Det hele startet med “Lazy Jones” som raskt ble utgitt på Strike Recording. Suksessen inspirerte han videre og han brukte i en periode all sin tid på musikken under sterk inspirasjon fra folk som Laidback Luke, Steve Angello, Tocadisco, Daft Punk, Eric Prydz og Axwell blandt mange andre. Avicii’s første store release var “Manman” på Bedroom Bedlam label etter å ha vunnet Pete Tong Fast Track med imponerende 70% av stemmene!

Dette fikk de store gutta til å sperre opp øynene, og den virkelig store suksessen var like om hjørnet.
De fantastiske låtene kom som perler på en snor samtidig som han gjorde ville live sets over hele jorden. Avicii hadde ikke lengre bare support blandt de store gutta, han var blitt en av dem.

Etter å ha produsert en rekke store låter ble ble Avicii’s siste release en av de mest hypede låtene i 2010. Skjeldent har blogger og fans rundt omkring i verden snakket så mye om en låt som de gjorde med “Bromance”, og den skuffet ikke ved release. Interessen rundt låten bekreftet Avicii’s posisjon som en av housemusikkens virkelig store!

Hey! We can start with you introducing yourself for our readers.

Tim Berg: My name is Tim Berg and I’m a 20 year old producer from Stockholm.

How did your DJ/producing career begin? Did blogs contribute to your producing career?

Tim Berg: Well, I started out by releasing a lot of unsigned stuff on the blogs, and I would have to say that my career started when my manager found some of them and contacted me. Since then we’ve been working very hard together to get where we are at today, and I for sure wouldn’t be anywhere near here if it wasn’t for him. So my answer to your question, YES, if I hadn’t been exposed on the blogs none of this would have happened.

What do you think about blogs like Housebloggen.no and what thoughts do you have around the debates on free downloading etc.?
Tim Berg: Well, it’s really unnecessary to have any views on it since it will never lead anywhere. In this case, it’s gotten to a point where its impossible to stop anyways, so I think everyone will have to adapt to it instead of trying to fight a battle they can’t win.

Favorite DJ/Producer?

Tim Berg: Would have to say the Swedish House Mafia guys in general, because of their skills as both producers and DJ’s. I have huge admiration for Tiesto and Laidback Luke as well.

How would you describe your producing style?

Tim Berg: Hm, I would say that I always try to keep the track focused on the melodies more than the beat!

Top 5 tracks at the moment?
Tim Berg:
Norman Doray and David Tort – The Sun
Swedish House Mafia – One
Prodigy – Smack My Bitch Up (An21 and Max Vangeli Remix)
Adrian Lux – Teenage Crime (Axwell and Henrik B Remode)
Imogen Heap – Hide and Seek (Otto Knows Remix)

Have you ever had an embarrassing moment when you were DJ’ing ?

Tim Berg: Hm, yeah there was this gig in Germany where one of the cdjs kept acting wierd and kept jumping to the beginning all the time, and when they switched the CD finally I managed to throw my headphones on the cuebutton and stop the track, haha. But it wasn’t really a big thing, and the gig turned out to be amazing anyways!

What kind of job would you have if you weren’t a DJ?

Tim Berg: Haha, I actually have no idea, so probably a telemarketer or something else equally uninteresting until I’d figured out what i wanted to do.

You have been a lot of places playing with different DJ’s in different countries. How is the house culture in Scandinavia compared to other places?

Tim Berg: Well, I haven’t been to Norway yet so I wouldn’t know, but I had my first gig in Sweden a couple of weeks ago and it was totally amazing! I also really love the Danish crowd! I would have to say that I don’t think Scandinavia is quite there yet compared to lots of the other European countries with a long history of electronic music, but we’re definitely starting to get there now. The music is starting to get radioplay and DJ’s like Guetta has brought house to the masses.

We are looking forward to your show in Norway. What are your expectations before your visit?
Tim Berg: Haha, I don’t have any expectations to be honest, I’m really pumped and curious about the scene there though!

Anything you want to say to your Norwegian fans?
Tim Berg: “Det kommer til o bli en nydelig fest da!”
(did I say that right?)

To round of the interview, a word of advice to the up and coming DJ´s and producers out there!

Tim Berg: Its all about the work! You have to really put your heart into it and be prepared to keep going even if it feels like your standing still! And promote yourself on all the blogs and other social networking forums! Also – get a proper manager!

Tusen takk for intervjuet. Vi gleder oss til du kommer til Luux i Oslo og Bergen!